ACEWM Grants Short Term Staff Regional Exchange Visit

As part of its capacity development initiatives, ACEWM facilitated short term regional exchange visit for academic staff and researchers at academic and research units of Addis Ababa University and ACEWM partnering institutions working in water science and related fields.

Dr.Negash Getachew, Chair of the Department of Chemistry at Addis Ababa University visited University of Botswana for one month starting from the 24th of July 2022. During his visit, Dr.Negash took training on Powder X-Ray Diffraction and other related research instruments along with faculty members of the Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI).
The training covered the theoretical principles of powder x-ray diffraction instruments, powder XRD instrumentation and their corresponding applications, data generation and Interpretation of data or data analysis using the PDXL software and other key areas of Powder X-ray Diffraction.
In addition to the training, Dr.Negash visited different laboratory facilities both at the University of Botswana (UB) and at the Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI).
The exchange program is meant to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer with different regional and international academic and research institutions. Furthermore, such visits are crucial to create a collaboration between institutions similar to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Botswana and Department of Chemistry, AAU.