To facilitate the partnerships, MoUs and partnership agreements have been signed with participating institutions, companies and government agencies. These agreements establish the terms and conditions for the implementation of the activities and exchanges between the participating institutions. In the case of the interactions with industry, the agreements were designed to facilitate the flow of students and faculty to participate in internships and short stays in the water sectors. The goal of the internships is to enable the visiting students and faculty to develop longer-term projects with water sectors while obtaining a better understanding of the needs and the context of water management in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Ethiopian Water Technology Institute (EWTI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Consultancy Services-
Objective of the Consultancy Service:
- Identification and selection of high standard laboratory equipment (physico-chemical residue analysis, biological analysis, materials testing physico-chemical analysis of soils) and laboratory furniture with detailed technical specifications and cost estimates;
- Provision of hands-on training on installation and operation of existing laboratory instruments;
- Development of laboratory cost services and annual cost revisions
- Suggestion of overall laboratory set up design
- Proposal for laboratory ICT infrastructure
Addis Ababa Water Sewerage Authority (AAWSA)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia MoU-
Objective of the MoU:
- The objective of the ACEII project is to promote regional specialization among participating universities in areas that address regional development challenges and strengthen the capacities of these universities to deliver quality training and applied research in Southern and Eastern Africa (ESA) Region. The overall development areas where there are skill shortages affecting development, economic growth and poverty reduction.
- Academic and development relationship are to raise the quality of education and research in water management in Addis Ababa University and other higher education institutions; to contribute to the national efforts to build capacity and to address the water resources development and management challenges by the AAWSA.
FDRE- Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
- Review of curriculum for existing programs and Development of curriculum for new programs (Masters and PhD)
- Existing Programs: Water Supply and Sanitation, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Water and Wastewater Technology, Water Science and Technology, Water Quality Management)
- Teaching of specific modules and courses (face to face) under the existing and new programs
- Development of short term training modules and run short courses for 20 participants from Regional and National Institutions
- Joint supervision of MSc. and PhD students
- External moderation and examination of Theses
- Organizing joint workshops/symposia/conferences under different water management thematic areas
- Serve as member of Project Management Steering Committee
Bishan Gari Purification Industries Plc
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Partnership Agreement- Review of curriculum for existing programs and Development of curriculum for new programs (Masters and PhD)
- Existing Programs: Water Supply and Sanitation, Water Quality Management, Water and Wastewater Technology)
- Joint research project proposal development
- Internship for 3 graduate students (3-months)
- Development of tailored short term training modules and run short courses for 40 participants from Regional and National water quality institutions
- Participate in ACWM’s project management steering committees Organizing 2 joint workshops under different water management thematic areas
- Work with specific research groups of the ACEWM in Ethiopia
- Develop, incubate and commercialize at least 3 innovative water technologies
International institute for water and environmental Engineering (2iE)
Burkina Faso Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
- students and staff exchange
- Conducting joint teaching and supervision
- Conducting joint teaching and supervision
- Conducting short courses, workshops and conferences delivering
- Organizing fundraising and resource mobilization events
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)
Lilongwe, Malawi Framework Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
- Undertake collaborative research in areas of expertise of the two institutions
- Exchange students (Master and PhD) and staff members between the two institutions
- Work together to raise funds for collaborative research and other activities of mutual interest
- Teaching MSc and PhD Courses based on specific demand
- Jointly supervise MSc and PhD research
- Serve as external examiner for MSc and PhD theses
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) NORPART
MoUAreas of Collaboration
The objective of the MoU is to facilitate further cooperation in research and education.- Mobility of graduate and/or undergraduate students
- Mobility of faculty and/or staff
- Joint research activities and publications
- Participation in seminars and academic meetings
- Exchange of academic materials
- Special short-term academic program
The Norwegian Program for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED II)
Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
Train and educate a workforce who are equiped with the interrelated and interconnected challenges of human, animal and health.Imperial College of London
London, UK Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
- Faculty and Student research work in the areas of water engineering and bio-engineering. The proposed research addresses sustainable Infrastructure development (i.e. water infrastructure) and engineering for humanitarian aid (i.e. since schistosomiasis is a disease of extreme poverty),
Areas of Collaboration
- Visits of faculty from relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions to teach in ACEs for a short period;
- Visits of faculty from ACEs to relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions to enhance capacities for research and teaching;
- Visits of students from ACEs enrolled in selected programs to relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions for training and research;
- Workshops organized in relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions on curriculum design for selected programs;
- Development of “sandwich” post-graduate programs where appropriate
- Promotion, preparation and organization of joint seminars and workshop
University Of Oklahoma
Oklahoma, USA MoUAreas of Collaboration
- Visits of faculty from relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions to teach in ACEs for a short period;
- Visits of faculty from ACEs to relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions to enhance capacities for research and teaching;
- Visits of students from ACEs enrolled in selected programs to relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions for training and research;
- Workshops organized in relevant Indian Academic and R&D Institutions on curriculum design for selected programs;
- Development of “sandwich” post-graduate programs where appropriate
- Promotion, preparation and organization of joint seminars and workshop
Waseda University
Tokyo, Japan MoUAreas of Collaboration
- To encourage visits by faculty from one university to the other for the purpose of engaging in research or other educational activities;
- To facilitate the admission of qualified students from one university to the other for the purpose of enrolling in undergraduate and graduate programs, and in the case of advanced graduate students, participating in research;
- To foster the exchange of academic publications and scholarly information; and
- To promote other academic activities that enhance the above-mentioned goals.
Yancheng institute of Technology (YCIT)
Jiangsu, Federal Republic of China Partnership AgreementAreas of Collaboration
- Joint supervision of PhD students;
- Student and Facuty Exchange;
- A total 30 PhD (the Departments should agree with this number) candidates shall be supervised by Professors from Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, and Material science program from AAU and YCIT.
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