Management Members CV

The Center has more than 45 senior-level faculty from national, regional, and international institutions. ACEWM affiliated 38 faculty who are engaged in teaching, research, joint supervision of students, and offering short courses.

Dessie Nedaw (PhD)

Associate Professor of Hydrogeology, School of Earth Sciences, Addis Ababa University
Academic Quality Assurance Coordinator
Personal Information
  1. Full Name: Dessie Nedaw Habtemariam
  2. Title: Associate Professor of Hydrogeology, Addis Ababa University
  3. E-mails:
Professional Preparation/Educational Background
  1. Sc. in Geology in 1991 at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  2. Sc. in Hydrogeology in 1997 at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  3. D. in Hydrogeology in 2003 at University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Experiences and Appointments Experiences
  1. Graduate Assistant and Assistant lecturer, Alemaya University from Feb. 1992 – Aug 1993
  2. Lecturer at Mekelle University from May 1997 – Feb. 2000
  3. Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology at Mekelle University from Jan. 2004 to Jan 2011
  4. Tigray Water Bureau Freelancer consultant from July 2009 to January 2010
  5. Head Department of Applied Geology at Mekelle University from September 2004 to April 2006
  6. Dean College of Science and Technology at Mekelle University from April 2006 to November 2008
  7. Associate Professor of Hydrogeology at Mekelle University from Jan 2011 to June 2013
  8. Associate Professor of Hydrogeology at Addis Ababa University from July 2013 to Present
  1. Head Department of Applied Geology at Mekelle University from September 2004 to April 2006
  2. Dean College of Science and Technology at Mekelle University from April 2006 to November 2008
Selected Publications/Conference Participation/Pertinent Selected Publications
  1. Getachew Workineh; Getachew Berhan; Dessie Nedaw; Evaluation of Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) Model for Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Eastern Ethiopia; Journal of Resources Development and Management; Vol.25, 2016
  2. Taye Alemayehu1, Seifu Kebede, Lanbo Liu, Dessie Nedaw ; Groundwater Recharge under Changing Landuses and Climate Variability: The Case of Baro-Akobo River Basin, Ethiopia, , Journal of Environment and Earth Science, ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online), Vol.6, No.1, 2016
  3. Nata Tadesse, Dessie Nedaw, Kifle Woldearegay, Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes, and Frank Van Steenbergen, 2015, Groundwater Management for Irrigation in the Raya and Kobo Valleys, Northern Ethiopia, International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Volume 08, No. 03, P.P.1104-1114
  4. Dessie Nedaw,, Chandrasekharam, Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes, 2013,  High boron and sulfate groundwater in the Geba Basin, Northern Ethiopia, International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Volume 6, No.3, PP 411 - 418.
  5. Tekleberhan A, Dessie N, Tesfamichael G/yohannes, 2012, Groundwater Recharge, Evapotranspiration and Surface Runoff Estimation Using WetSpass Modeling Method in Illala Catchment, Northern Ethiopia, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, Vol. IV, Number II, Mekelle University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences.
  6. Rainer Mohn, Mohammed A. Abdurahman, Joachim Gardemann, Werner Mathys, Dessie Nedaw, Burkhardt Kruse1, Christian Herbst, Subsurface Micro-Reservoirs for Rural Water Supply in the Ethiopian Highland, TAWI – Tigray and Afar Water Initiative, Ethiopia, 2012, Landscape and sustainable development, Volume 4, PP 85 -100
  7. Dessie Nedaw, 2010, water balance and groundwater quality of Koraro Area, Tigray Northern Ethiopia, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, Vol. II, Number II, Mekelle University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences.
  8. Desie Nedaw and Kristine Walravens; 2009, The positive effect of Micro-dams for groundwater enhancement; Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, Vol. I, Number I, Mekelle PP 59 – 73
  9. Dessie Nedaw, Tesfamichael G/yohannes, F.De Smedt, J Deckers, Mulu Bayray, Kristine Walraevens, J. Nyssen; Groundwater Surface water interaction Around Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg reservoir Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, (poster), HighLand2006, 2006, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  10. Dessie N. Tesfamichael G/ yohannes, Kristine Walravens, Kristine Martens: Groundwater Surface water interaction Around Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg reservoirs, Tigray Northern Ethiopia, Founding congress of the Ethiopian Association of Hydrgeologists, 2006, Page 18
  11. Dessie Nedaw, Tesfamichael G/yohannes, F.De Smedt, J Deckers, Mulu Bayray, Kristine Walraevens, J. Nyssen; Groundwater Surface water interaction Around Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg reservoir Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, (poster), HighLand2006, 2006, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  12. Dessie N & J. F. Schnieder; Aquifer characterization and hydro-chemical investigation on Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia, AASPP Seminar, December 18, 2006, University of Dar es Selam, Tanzania,
  13. Dessie N. J.F. Schnieder; Aquifer potentiality on Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia, Technical paper presentation, International conference and exhibition on groundwater in Ethiopia, 2004, Page 32 - 33
  14. Segun ADELANA, Wilson FANTONG, Dessie NEDAW, Anthony DUAH, Groundwater and Health: Meeting unmet needs in sub-Saharan Africa: A chapter in the book entitled Sustaining Groundwater Resources, July 2011, Springer
  15. Dessie N, Hydrogeology of Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia, 2011, Lambert Academic Publishing
Selected Conference Proceedings
  1. Role of microdam for groundwater enhancement: a case study around Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg, Presented on National Nile Basin Development Forum 2008, March 20 -221, Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  2. Aquifer Characterisation and Hydrochemical investigation on Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia, Dissimination of research results in semi-arid and arid ecosystem with a focus on sustainable water resource management in Ethiopia (WATERMAN), Millano Hotel, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  3. Groundwater Quality issues in Geba basin, Northern Ethiopia, 2013, 13th symposium on sustainable water resource development, Arba Minch University
Participation In Research Projects and Community Engagement Participation In Research Projects
  1. Twenty shallow wells and two deep wells site selection in Ofla Woreda for Irrigation purpose, 2009, Bureau of Water, Mines and Energy: Tigray National Regional State.
  2. Water Balance estimation in Hagerselam Area, 2012, CZECH Republic Development Cooperation.
  3. Groundwater recharge estimation using Wetspass central Ethiopia, 2014, Agricultural Transformation Agency of Ethiopia
  4. Numerical modeling of Debretsige area using MODFLOW, 2014, Korea rural community development
  5. Addis Ababa Rivers Catchments and River Side Vegetation Management
  6. Shallow groundwater mapping pilot project in central Ethiopia (ata/ncs-001/12)
  Community Engagement
  1. Bureau of Water, Mines and Energy: Tigray National Regional State, 20 Shallow wells and 2 deep wells site selection in Ofla Woreda for Irrigation purpose, November 2009.
  2. Water Balance estimation in Hagerselam Area; short communication as freelancer consultant, January 2012
  3. Groundwater resources investigation of the Debretsige area, Technical report, July 2014
  4. Water balance and groundwater modelling training for experts of AMHARA DESIGN AND SUPERVISION WORKS ENETERPRISE, October 2016
  5. Groundwater Modelling using MODFLOW, Water and Land Resource Center, AAU
  6. Reviewer for International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, UNEP, Adaptation to climate change induced water stress in the Nile Basin, SINET, Ethiopian Journal of Science
Training and Professional Development
  1. Research visit to IIT, Bombay, India, through CV Raman fellowship under professor D. Chandrasekharam, from 15 February 2011 to 15 May 2011
  2. Research visit to BOKU, Vienna, through Earnest Mach Scholarship, under professor W. Loiskandl, from September 2014 to November 2014
  3. Groundwater Modeling: from August 22 to Sep. 23, 2005, With Dr. Shibasaki,, JICA training center. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
  4. Hydrochemical Investigation: from January 15, to February 15, 2006, with professor Kristein, University of Ghent, Belgium
  5. Global Integrated water resource management: Khartum, Sudan from October 21 to October 25, 2007
  6. TOT, for Integrated water resource management, Dar salaam, Tanzania
  7. Leadership and Management Development Program training for Deans: Adama and Bahir dar, Ethiopia, 2007
  8. Leadership and management training: Mekelle, Ehiopia, June 2006
  9. International Association of Hydrogeologists
  10. Ethiopian association of hydrogeologists
  11. African Groundwater Network (AGW NET)
Main Research Activities/Interts
  • NA